Search results

From Qigong City

Page title matches

  • '''Dong Xinjian'''
    759 bytes (105 words) - 08:33, 19 March 2020

Page text matches

  • This method was written by [[Dong Xinjian]] Laoshi in 2005, and in the same year was popularized in China. In 2012 Dong Laoshi went to Malysia, and ran shuzi mingmu classes there.
    1 KB (97 words) - 11:09, 19 March 2020
  • [[en:Dong Xinjian]]
    530 bytes (9 words) - 06:44, 4 March 2020
  • '''Dong Xinjian'''
    759 bytes (105 words) - 08:33, 19 March 2020